Thursday, August 30, 2012

I say, Lets use this momentum

eyes on america

We got lucky and blessed. Two things overnight and today taught me one thing, God above loves the Hazzard Nation and its citizens.

Yesterday, I prayed for help, from another Hazzard Icon, to keep my butt out of the klink, due to a misunderstanding by a local set of cops. Talk about life mirroring Hazzard County.

I walked out only by a squeeze. All the while doing my best to raise a fuss over the crap over our flag on our beloved General.

It worked. Hazzard Nation, Warner Brother heard. But lets not stop now. Maybe the same voice can convince CMT, or heck even FX to run the Dukes-of-Hazzard on their networks. How about helping the Hazzard Knytes to build a real cable/satellite TV network, ran for, and ran by Dukes-of-Hazzard fans. This way we know ALL the episodes of the Dukes is shown.

Lets use this momentum to get historical and southern movement education into schools. Not just the ones in Dixie, but those here in our areas of Idaho, Utah,Wyoming, it can be done. You donated $2.00 to sign the petition to keep the flag on the General. Thank ya’ll for that, we’ll keep our flags on our rigs as well. But that said, how about all of you, Corey and the rest, grab $10.00, throw it in an envelope, send it to the Hazzard Knytes. Lets buy TV air time to do infomercials promoting the Hazzard Nation and Southern Heritage and history. We can do this. We won a battle, there is the rest of the war to be fought, we need the rest of you, beyond the Hazzard Knytes to help. Have questions? Call me, a long distance cell phone call ain’t that hard 208-212-9653.

Okay, and many of you will hit me over the head here, but ; Did you notice, that Now, and only now, that Mitt Romney’s affiliation with the LDS Church is now coming out. Watch and see how fast the LDS church gets in bed with politics and all, watch LDS influence on legislation and laws concerning LDS foopaws, like Snuff, brew, Shine, and all.

Think I’m fibbing, just watch. I told ya’ll we were headed into a big manure pile with Obama, mark my words now.

When you go to the polls, don’t vote Republican, don’t Vote Democrat, Vote Confederate States Party, and Ben Jones aka Cooter for President. Just imagine if the Hazzard Nation got Cooter in for President? It’d be crawdad bisque at the White House.

Help Us , help you.

Donate to the Hazzard Knytes education fund.

L8R Ya’ll

cooters mini sig 2koa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,”

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