Friday, August 31, 2012

The days after

hazzard life 01 hedderG SPOT HEADER

Here we are day after the fuss over the possible removal of our beloved rebel flag off of the General Lee. Thank goodness smarter minds prevailed. Thank God for the Hazzard Nation.

But I think that there is 80% of the Hazzard Nation that would risk even jail time and criminal prosecution protecting our southern history, and/or Dukes and 30% of the Hazzard Nation is lackluster at best and go off to not so Hazzard friendly things. Be it music or imagery.

But hey this is America, we’re free , with liberty. OOps not Liberty, we have albeit not seen but tethered freedom, but do not speak your mind, especially in Burley Idaho. Do not speak your opinion, especially in the newspaper. And wasn’t it funny the dude they’re looking for that axed the owner of the Alpine Motel/Star Taxi, that the dude they’re looking for is closer than they think. Had I not been so terribly treated the other day I might be inclined to provide some bird dog style pointing. But now, shit I hope Ambrose never does get brought to justice.

But how many of our Hazzard Nation will step up to really donating money to the Hazzard Knyte’ educational fund? If just half of those that got hammering on the email, on the flag detail, donated $10.00 to our education fund, the Hazzard Knytes could buy text and other instruction materials, to go into the grade and junior or middle school class’ and teach the side of the war tween the states in a way most have never been taught.

Look friends this is not some goof ball, trying to line my own pocket. Hell I ain’t making money, but I ain’t Boss Hogg either. I’m looking beyond the hood of my truck into the eyes of youth that gather around our shop, and the clubs fair display this year. We’d love to have copies of speeches and books to give out. Then such protests over our battle flag would no longer be protests,.

Look friends it took as much effort to get Yankee governments to get our POW/MIA flags flying over state and federal buildings. How about our real rebel flag csaflag flying over the same buildings as a display of true historical remembrance and all? Give us the ability to fight for the power of our confederate states and our Hazzard Nation. To date the Hazzard Knytes have spent just under $850k for the fight and promotion of our Southern movement, can’t ya’ll at least help by pulling $10.00 out of your wallet and donating to our education fund? Email me at to learn how to donate.

More this afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll

wolf burstHCG LOGO

Quote of the Day:
Alcohol, if taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication.
--Oscar Wilde
Psalm 95:6-7“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if only you would hear his voice,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

I say, Lets use this momentum

eyes on america

We got lucky and blessed. Two things overnight and today taught me one thing, God above loves the Hazzard Nation and its citizens.

Yesterday, I prayed for help, from another Hazzard Icon, to keep my butt out of the klink, due to a misunderstanding by a local set of cops. Talk about life mirroring Hazzard County.

I walked out only by a squeeze. All the while doing my best to raise a fuss over the crap over our flag on our beloved General.

It worked. Hazzard Nation, Warner Brother heard. But lets not stop now. Maybe the same voice can convince CMT, or heck even FX to run the Dukes-of-Hazzard on their networks. How about helping the Hazzard Knytes to build a real cable/satellite TV network, ran for, and ran by Dukes-of-Hazzard fans. This way we know ALL the episodes of the Dukes is shown.

Lets use this momentum to get historical and southern movement education into schools. Not just the ones in Dixie, but those here in our areas of Idaho, Utah,Wyoming, it can be done. You donated $2.00 to sign the petition to keep the flag on the General. Thank ya’ll for that, we’ll keep our flags on our rigs as well. But that said, how about all of you, Corey and the rest, grab $10.00, throw it in an envelope, send it to the Hazzard Knytes. Lets buy TV air time to do infomercials promoting the Hazzard Nation and Southern Heritage and history. We can do this. We won a battle, there is the rest of the war to be fought, we need the rest of you, beyond the Hazzard Knytes to help. Have questions? Call me, a long distance cell phone call ain’t that hard 208-212-9653.

Okay, and many of you will hit me over the head here, but ; Did you notice, that Now, and only now, that Mitt Romney’s affiliation with the LDS Church is now coming out. Watch and see how fast the LDS church gets in bed with politics and all, watch LDS influence on legislation and laws concerning LDS foopaws, like Snuff, brew, Shine, and all.

Think I’m fibbing, just watch. I told ya’ll we were headed into a big manure pile with Obama, mark my words now.

When you go to the polls, don’t vote Republican, don’t Vote Democrat, Vote Confederate States Party, and Ben Jones aka Cooter for President. Just imagine if the Hazzard Nation got Cooter in for President? It’d be crawdad bisque at the White House.

Help Us , help you.

Donate to the Hazzard Knytes education fund.

L8R Ya’ll

cooters mini sig 2koa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Never mess with an icon of the Hazzard Nation

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B4 I get to some serious pig stickin and rat killin here, need to wish both Deputy Enos and today our President and leader Crazy Cooter, Happy Birthday. Makes ya’ll there Cooter just a tad over 53 don’t it. Amazing how we both look alike huh?

Handsome as wee are don’t ya’ll know. Miss Alma might not be able to tell us apart.

Okay then, ya’ll saw something yesterday and I hope many in the media saw it as well. NBC sure as hell did as well as the AP.

When Warner Brothers told those carving out toys of our beloved General , and all that there could be no more Confederate flags on the roof. Apparently that Rebel Flag offends some folks. I have something on that in a few lines down so hold on.

Thing is ya’ll saw that once Ms. Alma put the word out, the Hazzard Nation went into Overdrive. We got online and hammered Warner Brothers, and the media hard. Don’t yet know the outcome, but I’d sure as hell wouldn’t want to be the guy at the WB doing damage control, more over relinquishing that branding order. Hell he’d be better off, going over to Chickasaw County with Sheriff Little and having some watermelon wine.

It showed that when the Hazzard Nation gets a burr under its saddle heads roll. So here’s my pitch.

I hope that Alma, Ben and Corey read this.

Most of ya’ll know how I feel about not only the series of the Dukes, but all the cast and crew members. The fact that I even got a green light to go public with the real Hazzard County Garage and all back in 1982 is still a wonder. The fact that most of that cast including series creator and consultant Gy Waldron showed up at Moms funeral was monumental. The love I feel for the show, its inspirational messages everything goes beyond just a casual affection or being a fan. Every day I wake up and live life as if I truly were in Hazzard. Like I said Hazzard is not a place on Earth , but a place in the heart.

I have tried many times to get to DukesFest or Home Coming but since Mom and dad died , mostly Mom, the money to do so has been limited. But I spend a bunch of MY money keeping the Hazzard Knytes together, the Hazzard Garage/Hazzard County Choppers growing and going.

Then there is the situation of finding my own southern ancestral roots. It was the Dukes-of-Hazzard, in an episode where all went back in time to western cowboy days to find a document to save the farm. I started looking into my own roots or family tree. I found my connection to things in Alabama and Georgia. My dad just b4 he died got me to see my kin folks in both places. After that in 1978 and following I went down south to see my Uncles in both Alabama and Georgia, one who lives just a spit a way from where the original series or beginning of the original series was filmed.

The knowledge learned goes deep.

There are things that the Yankee and mainstream schools do not teach, about the great war tween the states, the atrocities to our southern people, the war and just plain crimes committed against our southern people, the list goes on, but how do we educate the upcoming people?

We get things both online as well as printed. We get educational programs like books ;like Magnolias and Cornbread into our schools. We as members of the Hazzard Knytes take time to give lectures. The Hazzard Nation can help here.

I know money ain’t rolling out of all’s jeans, but if just half of everybody that I saw online defending the flag on the General, would cough up $10.00 and send it into the Hazzard Knytes, we could buy the air time on local TV, Mainstream newspapers etc, plus buy the books and teaching materials to take into northern Yankee schools, so we could teach our kids, that things like our rebel flag of Dixie is not one of hate, but of honor and courage, that those stars and bars are not a symbol of racism, but of love and respect of a  nation.

So tell ya’ll what,

How about ya’ll taking $10.00 put it in a money order, send it to Hazzard County Choppers, 703 East Main Burley Idaho 83318. and we’ll begin an educational project unlike ya’ll ain’t never seen.

Next time hereon,

The Hazzard Nationals/DukesFest West

L8R Ya’ll

my blog sig koa wings proper

Quote of the Day:
Commerce is the great civilizer. We exchange ideas when we exchange fabrics.
--Robert Green Ingersoll
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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