Tuesday, December 26, 2023

so many to teach too few hours to teach it.

As I begin on this Tuesday after Christmas and all, I recalled a statement made by one of the evangelical preachers at one of our pre holiday meetings.  It went that I could not sweat for our Savior because supposedly I do not have the direction of being enhanced by the Holy Ghost.  Bullsbreath. I have the Holy Ghost walking with me every second of every day. Who is this guy telling me I don't have the Holy Ghost  inside me. 🤔 just dern near started a fist a cuffs fight. Lucky one or more of the Club wasn't there to see that. For if they had been the church might be looking for another Pastor.
I'm as much in tune if not more so, since on at least 3 times in my lifetime I have seen our creator.
Can't teach those who's minds have yet to develop.  
Got through another episode of HazzardAyre Radio.  Think I'm getting the hang of all these new on air toys. À wise man once said be the Wolf in amongst the sheep. Lead , don't follow. The wise Sheppard said it's not smart to just be complacent.  
Speaking of Church things. Few weeks ago was at our Church's Wednesday meetings.  Don't remember the hymn, but there's this young'n there who was singing in lead. She was focused on a light just over my shoulder.  She saw Jesus. I know it, as her face was a bit burned like a minor sunburn. Some see these things, most don't.  Wasn't as tuned into such things up until I had that wreck near Horsehoe Bend bread loaf curve. After I  was allowed to live, I  could see and experience things that that are reserved for witch's and spirits. I can dream things with all the right feelings, smells, tastes etc. Then somewhere off in the future, I can see something I recall that triggers that .memory.  it's spooky and all I know, but it is what it is.
Don't have the Holy Ghost  inside me you say? You'd be surprised. 

things that you shouldn't say to a Confederate.

If you're going to insult a Confederate man, an easy way is call him a revenue'r them fellers were on our sixes anytime they saw a hooked up car riding a little low. 
One of the worst thing to any Dixie person is to hear or see a still go up in the sky. 
Shine was one way we earned back then, and a few still make a far living making shine.
Insult his truck will get you a raised eye brow. Call him a revenue'r and you have a fight.