Friday, December 6, 2024

It is our Turn but few understand what we do and how we do it

Before I hit in my regular kaotic rant here, need to get some things off of my chest. 
Item 1: do it legal. With the circumstances I have lived and barely survived on the
 original concept at least in this case, was roll up to Burley.  Find a spot to camp the Radio Werx.  Then return to Evanston Wyoming and finish up our business there. Then decide which would be the best to drop my Container house 🏠 and live long and prosper. But some Beaner Snitzle clerk/agent at Social Security Administration here in Tweaker Flatts fuggled up paper upon paper work on my account.  This while waiting for this dorky prickly guy in Boise named Robert at Treasure Valley Realty in Boise on the best solution for the station. That didn't happen and I went on a survival mission.  I think I did okay considering, what I have been through. Thing is the damn dillweed . Last week just bebfore Thanksgiving to authenticate everything so we could get things out of second gear and begin the crawl out of bullmanure. With it all from some ego saying and enhancing Church coaxing me to ROS here. With that said, got booted from a clannish arrogant bunch. So consulted BIG Jon on it all and he contacted a fellow that is a Club member that normally handles insurance poop 💩 stuff. But he gives his valued advice. Bottom line
My Tydiòus patience is 24. So looks like Tony and I have a deep dive meeting just after the holidays a suit is being filed .
Now the second piece.
So then last 48 hours been caged in the hospital. No big newez. Glucose thread 500. So they needed me to ros here for a day or two. I have a big problem.  Need Gas ⛽️ money so I can exit Twin Falls as gracefully as I entered into it.
Thee other day I was just wondering why am I busting my posterity healing this valley. Answer? I was born near here in Hagerman [Hazzard]  Idaho the Knytes were founded here. And in many ways here is our home to the Club as well as just about every locally-owned thing we did and elsewhere has been originated here in or very close to here in Twin Idaho. So yes 🙌 recreating and re-establishing the ahQ of the Hazzard Knytes and the WolfPack here.. I promised and I will satisfy  that I promised to do.  After that there is no reason for me to stay here. I don't plan to, once the Club hires and trains and all for the radio werx,, I am out of here. That's the main reason for me not together with them who make and re-rent those container homes.  I figure that then with that I can move it where ever I make or need too. I never want to be homeless or anything connected to this dark place that is my life. I need stability in my world.  Much more than I have now. In shorty treating  USMC full bird Colonel. I should be where the quails and blue 🐦  🐦 abound. Not this bird but this bird. 
L8R Aviators