Thursday, December 26, 2024

Today this is the only thing I have to say.

THE WORDS of Aristotle of the concept of Anarchyism is all wrong and not as it's intent. The word Anarchy has been abused by all the idiotic media and most any writers or those who need to tie a thought together with another. 
I will say this: In my view this is what and all I have to say here.
Anti-Establishment. I don't and the WolfPack as well as those of us of The Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association adhere to the idea of no chains nor restraint. If I can sustain it I will continue it. I firmly believe it. That if I can stand the smell then you can sustain the idea 💡 that truly that we should be truly free, not just passified. 
Today: warm and kozy to 13:00 getting chillier towards evening. Expect it cooling off with rain 🌧 early evening, turning to severe snow ❄️  overnight. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Skoal Can Review

L0w and High. So arose to a MexiCali at my cab door. $60.00 and some weird beef sliders. Not the usual Christmas Dinner fare but good for what ailes ya'll.  First thing. Went to near 4 places for my dip choice Wintergreen Fine cut.  Thank Kahless there was Kix66 with what I needed. I also noticed that even in Twin Falls Idaho there are tremendous amounts of out right stupid and ignorance when it comes to operating a motor vehicle. In many ways and it don't matter none ignition key goes on brain goes off.
Cell phone operation is the biggest distraction. People just don't know how to drive. Weather don't matter none either . Dry roads or wet even snowy the dopes have no skill. 
Christmas is a time ⏲️ of miracles . No matter that asked for or not there are people who are kind and understand ✨️ when someone keeps getting the door slammed on them that someone is busting butt trying to re-energize this sad goofy village might could use a tad bit of Christmas cheer. Forget and I forgive but still the FLFC Church. Amongst others can't be depended on . But as it was said once there are times a man has to make his own miracles.  Like wise a man many times needs to acknowledge his limitations. 
Now I have no Idea why a simple compliment of a matched up gitfiddle and boots that was extremely not for display at Church much less playing on stage but hey what is , is just that, what it is or was. The same thing happened once in Evanston Wyoming few years ago.  Went to get wireless internet. I was astonished that a young lady was as efficient and business as she was. So I said so. Guess what? The lady acted like I just ran over her 😸 kitten 😸. So they unplugged me and would not do business with me or our A.C.[Air-Club] aka the WolfPack. Oh well. 
In the same lane our M.C.'s Blackfoot Idaho charter President VIDEL Prunenda invited me to Christmas dinner. All the trimmings. Including bruising my posterior in trying to ride a Brama Bull. 
Course we had to haul a tiny Garden Tractor to our shop there in Blackfoot. WolfPup 
Didn't even have a fuss.  
Which brings me to this: don't matter none the ethnic background, that I can say people are people.  Be kind to them and they will be kind to you. 
Okay, as I close here and put in a dip, 
Yesterday had a malfunction condition. The General JaXson was dead in the heart department.  In essence dead battery 🔋.  Called the local PD. At first the dispatch lady was stubborn as stubborn as could be. But knowing that it was shift change waited. And called a officer.  15 minutes later came A MexiCali cop jumped started the General JaXson and off I went. So that's been my Christmas. Although 60.00 and mini burgers were good Next year this environment will be changed.
Good numbers to ya'll. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

It is our Turn but few understand what we do and how we do it

Before I hit in my regular kaotic rant here, need to get some things off of my chest. 
Item 1: do it legal. With the circumstances I have lived and barely survived on the
 original concept at least in this case, was roll up to Burley.  Find a spot to camp the Radio Werx.  Then return to Evanston Wyoming and finish up our business there. Then decide which would be the best to drop my Container house 🏠 and live long and prosper. But some Beaner Snitzle clerk/agent at Social Security Administration here in Tweaker Flatts fuggled up paper upon paper work on my account.  This while waiting for this dorky prickly guy in Boise named Robert at Treasure Valley Realty in Boise on the best solution for the station. That didn't happen and I went on a survival mission.  I think I did okay considering, what I have been through. Thing is the damn dillweed . Last week just bebfore Thanksgiving to authenticate everything so we could get things out of second gear and begin the crawl out of bullmanure. With it all from some ego saying and enhancing Church coaxing me to ROS here. With that said, got booted from a clannish arrogant bunch. So consulted BIG Jon on it all and he contacted a fellow that is a Club member that normally handles insurance poop 💩 stuff. But he gives his valued advice. Bottom line
My Tydiòus patience is 24. So looks like Tony and I have a deep dive meeting just after the holidays a suit is being filed .
Now the second piece.
So then last 48 hours been caged in the hospital. No big newez. Glucose thread 500. So they needed me to ros here for a day or two. I have a big problem.  Need Gas ⛽️ money so I can exit Twin Falls as gracefully as I entered into it.
Thee other day I was just wondering why am I busting my posterity healing this valley. Answer? I was born near here in Hagerman [Hazzard]  Idaho the Knytes were founded here. And in many ways here is our home to the Club as well as just about every locally-owned thing we did and elsewhere has been originated here in or very close to here in Twin Idaho. So yes 🙌 recreating and re-establishing the ahQ of the Hazzard Knytes and the WolfPack here.. I promised and I will satisfy  that I promised to do.  After that there is no reason for me to stay here. I don't plan to, once the Club hires and trains and all for the radio werx,, I am out of here. That's the main reason for me not together with them who make and re-rent those container homes.  I figure that then with that I can move it where ever I make or need too. I never want to be homeless or anything connected to this dark place that is my life. I need stability in my world.  Much more than I have now. In shorty treating  USMC full bird Colonel. I should be where the quails and blue 🐦  🐦 abound. Not this bird but this bird. 
L8R Aviators

Sunday, April 7, 2024

So I watched LDS Conference.

So I watched LDS Conference. Sadly I was not impressed by many of the speakers.  Except for President Oaks the rest bored me to tears.
After 64 years of belonging to the Church and loyal service to the denomination last year I was unceremoniously told to get out of said Church and never return.  It was shortly after I re relocated here to Evanston Wyoming to finish restoring and upgrading the old radio 📻 station here for and of the Hazzard Knytes as well as the WolfPack Wyoming Charter. 
After some serious reflection prayer I 🙏  joined the congregation of the Pentacostal community at the House of Prayer. While I don't think everything in that discipline is exact it's a much warmer collection of believers there than I ever experienced at THE LDS Church. 
Their objection 👎 of me was that I used up too much of the Church's resources.  Really? How much did my internal family donate to that religious body? How much of the toys did I donate to that Church? Many of those toys were played with only once or twice then put back in their boxes.For. this I was shown the door.
Prior to that I had albeit rather mild and disgust with a 1st Counselor of the 9th Ward in Twin Falls.  Without any kind of meeting or hearing or any thing on that matter that Counselor gave me the boot.
👍 okay then. 
I posted a announcement on a local Facebook page for and of Evanston Wyoming. About the upcoming restoration and operation of our radio 📻 station here.
Many comments but what they seem to not fully understand 🤔 is that restoration of the building that the Prior radio station here is and won't completely be the same creature 🤔.  
KSOA AM is a radio 📻 station that is primarily owned operated and programmed for us who ride road bikes.  Add to that the voice of the American Trucker and its soul of and for today's Confederacy.  The caboose is of and about Military aircraft and aviation.  All aggressive and not a G rating at all. More like a severe PG rating. As pertains to Marine Devil Dog style vernacular.  
Then of course there is the ongoing on air talent search for the station.  Male voices are done by members of the Hazzard County Knytes and the WolfPack.  The idea of coupling a in studio woman as a side anchor is one that few can understand.  That being said, we modeled our programming and talent after the Legendary Howard Stern. He has a lady Robin Quivers as his side anchor.   Many others Prior to Stern from the ITRN and Joc Radio formally of Utah had women in the right seat or as a co pilot. Reason? Of an audience of 80% males having a sweet female voice or voices is essential. 
Bottom line here: when it comes to KSOA AM  and  HazzardAyre Radio 📻 Evanston Wyoming has no or little of a idea what's coming.  
See all this afternoon on the radio 📻 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

so many to teach too few hours to teach it.

As I begin on this Tuesday after Christmas and all, I recalled a statement made by one of the evangelical preachers at one of our pre holiday meetings.  It went that I could not sweat for our Savior because supposedly I do not have the direction of being enhanced by the Holy Ghost.  Bullsbreath. I have the Holy Ghost walking with me every second of every day. Who is this guy telling me I don't have the Holy Ghost  inside me. 🤔 just dern near started a fist a cuffs fight. Lucky one or more of the Club wasn't there to see that. For if they had been the church might be looking for another Pastor.
I'm as much in tune if not more so, since on at least 3 times in my lifetime I have seen our creator.
Can't teach those who's minds have yet to develop.  
Got through another episode of HazzardAyre Radio.  Think I'm getting the hang of all these new on air toys. À wise man once said be the Wolf in amongst the sheep. Lead , don't follow. The wise Sheppard said it's not smart to just be complacent.  
Speaking of Church things. Few weeks ago was at our Church's Wednesday meetings.  Don't remember the hymn, but there's this young'n there who was singing in lead. She was focused on a light just over my shoulder.  She saw Jesus. I know it, as her face was a bit burned like a minor sunburn. Some see these things, most don't.  Wasn't as tuned into such things up until I had that wreck near Horsehoe Bend bread loaf curve. After I  was allowed to live, I  could see and experience things that that are reserved for witch's and spirits. I can dream things with all the right feelings, smells, tastes etc. Then somewhere off in the future, I can see something I recall that triggers that .memory.  it's spooky and all I know, but it is what it is.
Don't have the Holy Ghost  inside me you say? You'd be surprised. 

things that you shouldn't say to a Confederate.

If you're going to insult a Confederate man, an easy way is call him a revenue'r them fellers were on our sixes anytime they saw a hooked up car riding a little low. 
One of the worst thing to any Dixie person is to hear or see a still go up in the sky. 
Shine was one way we earned back then, and a few still make a far living making shine.
Insult his truck will get you a raised eye brow. Call him a revenue'r and you have a fight.